⭐V5 Announced!

Version 5 of Familiar Finders will be publicly available for download starting on March 14th.

-V5 Changelog-

New Additions

  • 35 new event animations.
  • Lost Tapes Hunt game mode with pre-built puzzle maps and unlockable story pieces.
  • 8 puzzle maps.
  • Tutorial map.
  • New gods with 3 divine powers.
  • 5 anomalies, a new encounter type. (They appear in maps of level 4 or higher and have a negative effect when revealed.)
  • Support for custom map elements in random maps, and small custom sections in all random maps.
  • 3 story events. (Clear Fluff Haven, Southern Coast, and Howling Grove to see them.)
  • 3 familiars. (Zuzu now gives birth to different familiars.)
  • New expedition item "compact telescope" increases the level of the next adventure by 1.

Balance Changes

  • Changed skill scaling formula. (Fixed bug that didn't take encounter levels into account properly.)
  • Map skill requirement bonus starts to scale at level 2.
  • Orni "Forbidden Bloom" cost reduced to 25 piety.
  • Wayvy "Cascade" now creates a solid river of impassible water tiles.
  • Identification scrolls are now given in pairs as quests rewards.
  • Raincoat Ghost Familiar now gives Necromancy instead of coins. (coins trait got moved to a new familiar).
  • Alchemy spell: "Vanishment Smog" now recovers 2 energy for each encounter removed. (big power boost, but this spell was a lot more situational than the other recovery options.)
  • Alchemy spell: "Synthetic Servant" now scouts 5 times at 70%.
  • Necromancy spell: "Awaken Vampire" now scouts at 90%.
  • Orni: "Twisted Growth" now costs 10. (I want to make Orni less focused on greedy hoarding for a final big payoff, using this ability to get a single tulip for a bit of reach will now be a perfectly valid play.)
  • Orni: "Forbidden Bloom" now gives 4 xp even if you have no tulips, and 4 more for every tulip. (I wanted this ability to have more general utility as more of a signature power than could get used 2 or more times in a run by clever players.)
  • Orni: "Dance of Spores" now costs 15 and creates an ally near a mushroom grove if only one is visible. (A more predictable way to control placement of allies while keeping the theme of scouting mushrooms intact and making it more strategic).
  • Cock: "Humility" cost reduced to 15, "Confession" increased to 25 and requires 1 fewer levels for the bonus bead, "Conditioning" reduced to 5. (Cock felt like he could use a rebalancing boost after the big scouting rework in the last update made Humility less desirable.)
  • Fluf: "Furry Friends" now creates bunnies on closest tiles instead of random tiles and converts remaining piety into energy. (Fluf was the only deity without a direct recovery skill, and this change offers big payoffs for devout followers while also making the effect less randomly punishing).
  • Piety cost for conversion reduced to 5 (I found myself almost never using this feature at the previous cost).
  • Treasure compass now increases the level of maps it is used on by 3.
  • Changed most quests rewards that gave treasure compasses to give pairs of compact telescopes instead.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where bump in the night could be cast on objects other than encounters
  • "Cannot Reach" warning no longer appears when targeting allied characters.
  • Fixed bug where Wayvy's "cascade" moved the encounters in a random order.
  • Fixed bug where lust animation counter did not reset when a new map is loaded.
  • Fixed a bug where Vanishment Smog did not count the central tile for number of tiles hit.
  • Fixed a bug where identification scrolls did not get subtracted when identifying eggs.
  • Fixed bug where allies would spend actions even if you didn't have enough energy to scout.
  • Fixed bugs in title screen where buttons could be pressed while hidden or invisible.

Other Changes

  • Added support for custom maps, wall tiles, and custom encounters.
  • Added support for scouting animations being available for different leaders.
  • Gallery now saves independently allowing unlocked event progress to remain after a restart.
  • Allies with no actions remaining will disappear on movement in addition to other actions now.
  • Allies will no longer move from inside of dark tiles.
  • Changed the way "plunder hand" animations are split between the characters. (Gallery shows there being more, but it's the same amount distributed differently.)
  • Gallery and Lost Tapes buttons will now unlock after recruiting Zuzu.
  • Changed story event setup to allow them to appear in gallery.
  • Added code support for moving ranged allies.
  • Gods now unlock when you first worship them.
  • Prisms now show spell school and charge amount on mouse over.
  • Added gallery hint text for events with additional requirements.
  • Added confirmation click for starting a new game.
  • Various art and dialogue changes.

    -Early access to the V5 update is available through SubscribeStar-

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