Monster Monsoon
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
🔞 Warning! This game contains sexual content! Adults only! 🔞
💋Most erotic events in this game are of either NTR or voyeuristic nature.
⭐This is a finished game! v9 is the final major update!
Protect your clients as you escort them between neighboring towns. Fight road monsters and spend your hard-earned rewards in sultry taverns.
- Left mouse button controls all primary actions.
- Right mouse button displays enemy movement predictions.
- You need to select both a road and a town on the map to embark.
- Spacebar advanced dialogue in taverns.
- 1-4 keys select your skills, spacebar switches characters in battle.
[Future Plans]
This game is complete. I may release small patches or bug fixes if anything comes up, but I have no plans to work on further major updates.
- Almost all animations made by Hexagum
- All music and most sound effects are sourced from RP Music
- Fonts are from
- Many ideas and suggestions were contributed by my wonderful SubscribeStar Supporters
- All other art, code, sound effects and assets were made by me for this project.
Development log
- ⭐V9 Released! Final major update!May 17, 2024
- ⭐V9 Announced!Apr 08, 2024
- ⭐V8 Released!Jan 12, 2024
- ⭐V8 Announced!Dec 14, 2023
- ⭐V7 Released!Nov 10, 2023
- ⭐V7 Announced!Sep 27, 2023
- ⭐V6 Released!Sep 08, 2023
- ⭐V6 Announced!Aug 05, 2023
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It was more of a misunderstanding than something that really said, "I understand." I'm just looking for that, that you adapt Wolf Dage9n to Android. My brother said that you were good, that's why I came.
I want you to create a mobile version of Wolf Dageon. I like that game and my brother told me that you were good so I came but I didn't ask you to make a version of your games.
What is Wolf Dageon? I cannot find any information about that game. It's not one of mine.
I'll send it to you and you'll see it. Send me your discord.
Also, a guy wrote to me privately saying it was you and said rude things to me, that's why my negative response
It's very rare for me to send private messages to anyone. You will only find messages belonging to me in Itch comments, my Discord server, and Subscribestar.
I said in the previous ones that you create a game, not that you adapt, it's obvious that it's difficult that's why I didn't talk about adapting, it was erased in not adapting and it was put without those letters since the fucking concealer erases it
I'm talking about adapting it to wolf dageon since the creator said to do whatever you want with it
I talked about wolf dageon if you can adapt to android I wasn't talking about your already made games
If it's simple to make a mobile version I will make one. Even Summer Sweepers which is a significantly easier game to port was too difficult to move to Android. Any time I finish an update I have another one due in 2-4 weeks, I cannot afford to spend more than a day or two on older games, and that isn't enough time to port them.
I've briefly tried adding android support for some of my games, but I don't think it's possible because of how many different resolutions mobile devices can have. Pixel art graphics look best if they are scaled up evenly. There are also a variety of other difficulties involved.
Yes, it's a lot of work to add support for many devices. It could take weeks or even a month to get something serviceable and I do not have that much time available.
Pretty good game overall, characters can be funny, porn can be hot. Only issue I end up with is trying to figure out which item is which sometimes when combining things.
Thank you! You can track who makes what using the phone, but I guess that I never really added hint text for item names after they are purchased.
Part of the issue is combined items can sometimes not be as worthwhile after the fact, though part of an issue is that item combination options remain lit up even when the item is combined (As an example, options involving the Ancient Battery are still lit up as if they are available after you have used it for something else)
Hiding impossible item combinations is a good suggestion. If I make another patch, that's certainly something I can look into.
Do you plan to release Android support?
Probably not, it's proven to be too difficult in my experiments with the concept. The map is too small and unreliable and there are issues related to resolutions and scaling that are not easy to resolve. This is probably an easier game to fit into mobile devices than my newer pixelated games, but it's still a lot of work and I'm not sure if I'll ever find the time.
game is extremely unforgiving at times, even on the lowest difficulty, especially if you're going for the lock challenges, since the opportunity to do those only occurs on the hardest difficulty of those missions. it's a real pain getting to the threshold needed. fun game, just my opinion on that part.
I tried to make it a bit more accessible in terms of difficulty over the various updates. The lock challenges were the final major addition, and are sort of meant to be a bonus for experienced players.
Full screen doesn't actually change the game size, just the window size itself. Any chance my computer just doesn't allow it? I'm running the 32bit version as I only have access to my old laptop atm.
Fullscreen is a borderless window rather than exclusive. This allows switching to other windows without waiting for screen resolutions to change, but I think that it's possible that it may not work as intended on older machines. Many old games only supported exclusive fullscreen modes.
Ah I gotcha. It doesn't make it unplayable so it isn't that big a deal to me, just had a hard time reading some text every now and then due to the size but it's alright. Thanks for the help though. The game is pretty damn fun. I'll check out your others when I finish this one.
Stuck at 130/132 for felix, i double checked the gallery and nothing seems to be missing. any idea what's causing this?
I did get a similar report before, but I don't know what is the cause. My own game shows the correct number. I could try to diagnose which events you don't have if you show me your tag list from the gallery.sav file located in C:\Users\*your_name*\AppData\LocalLow\Impy\Monsoon\
i just completed the rest of lily's gallery and now noth of them are 132/132, the bonus gifts are not counted towards the 100% right?
Ah, if they're both showing 132 now, it's probably because there's some sort of error in how I count events that have different dialogue text. I looked at my code and the issue's not immediately apparent, but that's got to be it. Endings and bonus events shouldn't count towards the total.
how do you do the courage intervention i cant find the button for it
Click on the event if it shows a lock. You will need to have completed 4 or more challenges in the harder maps and to have seen the original event first before the courage intervention variant appears.
i thought the intervention thing was the heart in combat from the client and companion getting frisky well what is the heart thing interaction in combat?
The heart just pops up at any event. It was added to help notify players that something's happening because often they'd get too focused on the strategy to notice.
What happens to the companion who goes with the queen?
Rescue your friend by attacking the queen's carriage and you will see an ending associated with the missing character. Increasingly lewder videos of the queen and her knight having fun with your friend will be uploaded if you wait. If you don't complete the rescue mission within the time limit, the companion is lost for the remainder of that playthrough and your only victory option will be to find and attack the cauldron.
How do I unlock the new scenes because I don’t understand, does it work?
Is there any added mechanic that I don’t know about?
There are two mechanics associated with many of the new events. Using Nupert's skill when adjacent to a summonable minion will have different animations for each of them for Lilly and Felix. Courage intervention events make up the other big chunk of the new stuff, they can be accessed by completing a series of self imposed challenges in harder maps. Hover your cursor over the lock in the top right corner of the screen in any map that is at 3 cloud difficulty or higher to see your challenge progress.
Check the new "bonus gifts" section in the gallery, it lists most of the new events with simple instructions on how to find them.
Will it have support for Android?
Probably not. My pixel art games are difficult to adapt for mobile devices because they require consistent target resolutions and the elements are quite small for touch screen controls.
Hi, impy, I have a doubt. Look, there are times when the queen appears to me quickly and there are times when she doesn't appear. Could you explain to me the conditions for her to appear?
The queen appears after the following conditions are met:
thank you very much impy that information really helps me a lot since in the gallery I was only missing it thank you very much really
This game is fantastic in a lot of regards, but I must stress something super important that i feel MUST be added. In "Into the Breach" (great game to pick inspiration from! : D) you are warned super far in advance after the enemies turn where the enemy will spawn from. I feel like this game desperately needs that. All too often i'll think im safe only for two grouped bomb sprouts to drop on my head and me to be able to do nothing about them, leading to extremely unfair damage.
Another indicator you should think about adding from "Into the Breach" is what the enemies move is going to be and what it's next target is. Bag of beetles can be next to useless sometimes when the enemy just decides to ignore them. and I don't realize they have, so i just die. I think having these two things would go a long way to make it feel more like strategy and a lot less like luck. Failing quests just because an enemy decides to shoot the thing your protecting from an angle you didn't know it was coming from just feels bad.
Other than that, keep on trucking. my favorite game of yours so far!
Thank you, I'm very happy that you liked it!
Predicted attacks can't work in this game since there's nothing to protect besides yourselves and quest objectives. Into the Breach would have been an incredibly easy game if you only had one mech and no cities. You can right-click on any enemy to see all of the tiles that it can hit. Drop predictions are something I have considered in the past, but they come with a variety of problems. It's a lot harder to tailor enemy groups to the board state if they are expected to appear later. There are also a lot of tile effects, minions and enemy ai considerations that would interfere with such a system. In my own playtesting experience, there have been very few times where the location of a random new enemy mattered more than my own actions. Focus your turns on clearing and positioning and you'll have little trouble dealing with the next wave (unless you're playing on the two hardest difficulty settings).
I did NOT know you could right click on an enemy. that knowledge makes everything much much better and removes the need for predictive attacks entirely anyway since i can see if they are in range of the quest objectives. i feel like a dummy for not trying that!
Though with the prediction, the objectives were more just a side thing. I mainly just wanted something that would show when an ally was gonna be targeted like the beetles and angels vs you, as sometimes they will attack them, and sometimes they won't. But it's random when they will and when they won't. Making them fairly unreliable. Maybe having an icon that shows what has aggro for the turn would work better for what im thinking, for example like you throw a beetle and there's an icon on the enemy that changes from like a face to a item to show what it targets for that round. Just shower thoughts of course, maybe that's how you wanted it as a possilbe balancing thing.
Nice to hear you at least considered drop notifications. I do agree with your reasoning on why they wouldn't work. It's mainly bomb sprouts and vacuums i have issues with in regards to that, but i can't think of anything that would help specifically with those two beyond adding a 1 turn fuse to the bombs, and it doesn't seem like you'd want to do that.
In any case, thanks for getting back to me and providing your thoughts! : )
No problem, glad I could help! I'm wrapping up development at this point so there won't be any drastic gameplay changes coming, I'm fairly happy with how everything is balanced at the moment. Enemy AI always checks if it can hit you or move once to hit you before trying to target your allies. They will also target any neutral terrain that's within two tiles of your position. There's a bunch of special rules and different AI variants, so there are cases where they don't act in the way you may expect. Bomb sprouts for example will not make use of their area of effect attack to extend their threat range or target nearby terrain as a way to make them a bit less chaotic.
Aaah, so it's not random, it always prioritizes you unless your out of range. I will keep that in mind then, thank you again!
Did not realize their were different brains for each sprout, that is really cool!
Thanks for answering everything, that is all!
PS. take as much time as you need with v9, I want it to be an absolute banger cherry on an already amazing game : D I'll be looking forward to whatever you put out next (I literally just discovered your games this week and im a huge fan now) : 3 take care ❤️
The public release of v9 is probably coming in late March or early April, but you'll get two other new games to have fun with while waiting. There are 6 AI behavior patterns in Monsoon: Standard, Cowardly (retreats from target), Cautious (only hits primary target), Trapper (creates traps and minions on empty tile after moving), Aggressive (tries to hit tiles close to target with area of effect), Sneaky (creates traps and minions while retreating).
How do you unlock the cauldron endings?
The cauldron ending is the "default" because there are no deadlines or additional conditions to get it, but a lot of players are likely to encounter one of the character-specific endings first. Collect all of the location clues to make the cauldron appear. You can still date your companions and have the kidnapping event happen, but don't attempt the rescue mission at the queen's carriage if you do.
Love the game! I was wondering, how many releases are left before the game is complete? Played v6 and would love to play it again once is finished :)
Next update should be the last. There could be a patch or two in the future after that, but the main core of features will be finished. Public release of v9 is most likely coming in the second half of March.
The save in game does not work, the progress of previous versions keeps what it unlocks but in this version the save when I try to use it does not allow me to continue
The gallery always carries over between updates, but the save files for game sessions are intentionally version-locked to prevent accidental corruption. Try to finish ongoing games on the game version you have started them on. You can force the game to recognize your save by modifying the "settings" file to the current version, but there is a good possibility of encountering bugs in mismatched files.
Is bearded gnome guy based on someone?
The character designs are not really based on anyone specifically. My games tend to reference each other, but I try not to make direct parallels to anything else.
is futa removable? I am down bad astronomically but I have a little standard to not fall even deeper into this crippling porn addiction.
I'm afraid that the sexual content of my games cannot be toggled, but much of it can be skipped if a player isn't into it.
Is fine😓. I'm a little sad because I know you probably made a bad bitch but it has a dick. (sorry for the bad language)
Is this game finished? Only asking cuz I prefer playing your games when they're finished ^-^
It's not quite done yet, but it's very close. I plan to add 2 small updates to finish the rest of the animations and a few other features. I expect that the final update will go public in Spring of 2024.
Android version pls ?
I've tried several times to port to mobile devices with very limited success. The main obstacle is that pixel art has intended resolutions and phones don't have standard sizes or resolutions that compare well to that of a computer screen. Unity also has its ways of setting up pixel-perfect scaling that forces me to use it sparingly and render different elements in different formats to get the best results, which also doesn't work well on phones.
Can Felix meet the Lilly? Or vice versa? Is there ending where you fail fail?
No the two protagonists can't meet, but I have considered it in earlier versions. At this point the game's fairly hard coded towards keeping their routes separate. I generally try to avoid adding "bad" endings, even the one in Girlfriend Saves the City was eventually removed. Before the queen and cauldron, Monster Monsoon had a rather simplistic ending with text variations based on how well you did so there were some good and bad outcomes there. Secrets of the Bastion is the only game I made that has a game over failure scene, and I guess there's one ending in Summer Sweepers that you get for deliberately failing the tutorial maps.
Just wondering what game shows me that I am missing
If it shows you that you have everything, then the numbers may just be a bug. I've coded the gallery a fairly long time ago and I haven't stress tested it enough for different event accusation scenarios. Someone else reported something similar so I'll try to have a look in the next update.
Can you somehow make it so all scenes can be acessed in that one place. Instead of some scenes being notifs, some being "videos" and some only accessed through local "tinder" ? Is it entirely possible or too much much work then don't do if too much work.
The whole reason why I set up the gallery on the phone was because I already had event tracking in place on the divination app so I could show the requirements and the picture in one place. Changing it over to something else is definitely too much work and would probably make it much harder to find scene requirements.
if you dont mind me asking, what was the removed bad ending in girlfriend saves the city?
If you ran out of popularity in older version you'd get a simple gameover screen and had to start over. There wasn't any sort of special scene like in Secrets of the Bastion. In the current version you can't advance towards victory and get fewer construction options if you're ranking too poorly with the public, but you can't lose the game.
Since the battles felt complicated for many players and a few events required losing to an enemy at some point, I decided to make it impossible to fail completely.
Im confused as to how to play the game, I am allways outnumbered by the sprouts
Buy a couple of items early to get another two attacks. Try to hit multiple enemies at the same time or collide them into each other and terrain. Right-click to see their threat range so that you'll know which ones are an immediate threat to you and which can be avoided. Stay close to the center to have more movement options while keeping out of any threatened spaces.
thank you for the advice, also is there a way to redo quests that have been failed or do you only get one chance.
One chance at a quest per game, but it's set up for multiple playthroughs and isn't terribly long, so you'll have your chance next time.
Also for all #shrinking AND even #breastexpansion (and even #penisexpansion, subjectively at least) enjoyers : go girl (Lilly), go with Maria, unlock Whaffles horse (yeah, it is futa horse , a she) and in Candyquarry with enough exp between you two you can have interaction where Lilly shrinks (except her penis) and Maria's boobs become EVEN bigger!
For #giantess or #tallgirl enjoyers you will have interaction with red horned futa muscle minigiantess through other characters such as Wendy.
There's a lot of incidental sexy things that happen, I have a broad range of tastes. There's hopefully a bit of something for everyone, but probably not enough for those who are highly invested into something specific.
Just hopefully you will return to such topics but preferebly with small vs plump or like Nadia
BIG Big fan of shared universe, especially when it is actually played with, especially when players given different PoV. Like in GTA 4
Thank you, I like including little references between games, and I think that most of the big projects I embark on will have something of the sort.
It just really makes huge difference for me, dear Impy.
I unlocked 119 scenes for both guy Felix and futa Lilly. What did I missed. I have all interactions through App and all videos.
I think that's pretty much all of them. A few things don't appear in the gallery yet, like the battle quest scenes and endings, but they'll get added later.
It says I have 2 more
Accidental perv guy and Nadia event is in Bunschord Tavern
Absolutely amazing. Well done game! I am just at the beginning though, any sex interactions? How do I interact with all these ladies and gents? Or only buying is available and simply gazing?
Add giantess and muscle tag, people missing out. Bbw tag too or something like that.
The game is focused on voyeurism, but some interactions with your companions become available later. You'll get invited to dates if the right conditions are met, you can check them in the divination app if you select your protagonist and a companion.
I would need to tag far too many things to cover everything this game has a bit of in it. Glad to hear that you're enjoying it!
I only mean that there are people right now missing on this masterpiece because they type "giantess/voluptous woman/bbw/etc" and find not much, AND they don't find This
I am happy that I somehow managed to find it, but when I remember my fellow enjoyer who missed on something, I wheep.
Sorry about that, collections are and recommendations are probably good ways to find games with elements relevant to your interests. My games tend to have various incidental kinks in them, but I don't add them in tags because the games aren't focused on them and people would find it misleading. Check out some of my other games, I think they may also have something that's relevant to your interests in them!
If anyone says something bad about you tagging giantess into Mansoon or bbw or whatever thicc ladies go under in Mansoon and in Girlfriend just send them to me. Send them all. I am building such collection, most other collections lacking.
I must be missing something, but it seems like the 3rd date encounter is unaccessible for Anne. It seems that as soon as I go on the second date, the next time I travel triggers the Queen kidnapping Anne and if I rescue her, then the game is over and if I don't rescue her, she is gone. Is there some way to avoid immediately triggering the kidnapping?
You get the kidnapping after 2 dates with any character when you travel to a new city that has a replacement companion. You can see all of the various dates by playing through the game multiple times, they don't happen in sequence so you can pick the ones you haven't seen yet.
Ah! Okay. That makes sense. I was also curious how you would make sure there was always a replacement companion available and you answered that, too.
Great game! I really like your commitment to having fun game play, even if it frustrates me sometimes. I look forward to what you have planned next both for Monster Monsoon and for other games.
Thank you! My main plan for Monster Monsoon is to animate everything before the end of the year. Some bonus features and events may also be added.
New games are coming in early winter and late Autumn. I want to switch game engines since Unity is planning to destroy itself, so my next project will be a short one meant to teach me how to use Godot, after which I will start working on a roguelike chess game.
I am actually doing the Jump Ship game jam with some friends on Godot right now because of the Unity stuff. I wish you luck with it!
As someone who really doesn't enjoy NTR. I am very surprised that I am able to praise a game with an NTR semi-focus but, the lighthearted nature and the fact that the protags actually do stuff too and that characters that I wasn't expecting to see on the receiving end is actually pretty great. The gameplay is also pretty simple and easy to get a grasp on as well even though it feels easy to learn hard to master. Something I was wondering though is there a possibility that in the future that both the protags will meet and have interactions with each other or are they strictly separate?
I'm very happy that you liked it! The idea of protagonists meetings up is neat, but it's a bit too late in development to implement. If you enjoyed the lighthearted NTR approach, you may like some of my other games, they tend to be on the same wavelength in that respect.
What is NTR
The main character's love interest being sexually involved with someone else. Different artists theme it in different ways, but I usually focus on the voyeuristic aspect of the kink in my own games.
Indeed, it is the focus of the subject and execution that can put people off such as myself. Some people have a harder focus on stealing someone's significant other and intentionally making someone feel bad sometimes where others like this game and some of Impy's other games that focus more on voyeurism and is more playful and done more tastefully in my opinion. I would say this game barely hits that NTR bar with some scenes but, overall, this game feels more playful and lighthearted than a lot of other examples. I think Bastion another game by Impy is a good example of leaning more at the having someone in an established relationship then having them get involved with other people motif.
Mmm, I see. So it is kinda like umbrella term for stuff that includes cucking, though in Impy's masterpieces cases I'd say it is more like characters just fuck with everyone.
Just never saw this term, I tried to google and it gave me an Indian actor from RRR the movie guy. Kinda funny if all Impy's masterpieces were tribute to him, but I've seen weirder tributes. Trust me.
I'll try and keep it brief, but this game is pretty darn excellent! Gameplay is fun once you get the hang of it, and the pixel art is amazing (quality lewd pixels are always appreciated).
I was a BIT leery going in, with the NTR focus, but the game is lighthearted enough about it to keep things upbeat. It helps that the MC (or at least Lilly, haven't tried Felix) isn't so much a luckless bullied victim as they are just too shy to go through with anything. They'll get some EVENTUALLY, but we get to watch what they're missing out on in the meantime.
Really glad to hear that you're having fun! I'm very happy that you like the art, I definitely want to make more pixelated games in the future!
I like to keep the atmosphere cheery and fun even though things don't usually go as the protagonists of my games intend them to. The usual plot of a hero that gets all the girls can be a bit predictable, so I enjoy making games with a bit of sexual drama in them.
Are there any plans to try to bring this game to mobile devices?
I have experimented with a few of my games, but they don't translate to mobile very well. To keep the pixels consistent, the screen has to be upscaled by whole multipliers. Phones have all sorts of wacky resolutions, so moving crisp pixel art to a phone is very difficult. I have heard that my games can run on the Steam Deck, so that's a mobile option that's available for those who own one.
I understand. thank you very much for answering my question
Can there be gay scenes?
There's usually a bit of femboy on male content in my games and plenty of futa characters, but I don't think that there will be scenes without a somewhat feminine character somewhere in them.
I mean gay stuff with femboys
Yes, I would definitely like to add a couple of scenes like that before development is finished.
Failing quests really sucks. As much as I want to enjoy it, the combat is holding everything back, even on easy.
The strategy aspect may not be for everyone. The game's short enough for multiple sessions, so I'm hoping that even players who are not that much into it will be able to gradually learn the game and do better in future attempts.
Is there ending and is there a gallery after that ending?
There are 9 endings and yes there's a gallery for after the first time you finish the game. The endings are not fully finished yet and aren't viewable in the gallery but they are tracked for future updates, so they'll become viewable for players who have collected them when that feature is added.
There are 4 endings for each companion and protagonist combination. After you go on 2 dates together the final quest will start, finish it before time runs out. Alternatively defeating the cauldron after getting all of the location clues is always available if you have missed your chance to get a companion ending.
Hopefully it will be possible to transit save files progress
The gallery save files will be compatible with all future updates. If you want to backup your save data, all of my games save to C:\Users\*YOUR NAME*\AppData\LocalLow\Impy